The Industrial
Technology Conglomerate
The Industrial Technology Conglomerate
The Industrial Technology Conglomerate...
The Industrial Technology Conglomerate...
A Global Bank Conglomerate...
A Global Bank Conglomerate...

Showcasing QoreNext’s Client Success Stories

The Qore Data Factory (QDF) technology framework allows for the rapid creation ofreusable Data Assembly Lines (DAL)and aims to resolve data quality problems of itscustomers at scale by leveraging a specially-trained global gig workforce. The QDF GigPlatform, a solution encompassing automation, machine learning and the human mind isaimed at delivering high quality, accurate and fresh data to its customers bydisaggregating the data management process into Simpli-TasksSM, a specially designed UIto resolve transactions supported by AI brings unprecedented data reliability and accuracyat scale for its customers.

Case Study 1

The Industrial Technology Conglomerate relies on QoreNext for

maintaining refreshed customer master data


The Industrial Technology Conglomerate was facing huge challenges with availability of poor data quality in their customer masterrecords leading to inefficiencies. Duplicate records were common resulting in wasted time, effort and poor customer segmentation lead inaccuratedemographic segmentation leading to lost revenue opportunities. The customer master data had incorrect and incomplete organizational hierarchyalong with outdated information of key contacts of CXOs. Unstandardized data with lack of correct formatting of address, phone numbers, companynames resulted in delayed business decisions.


QoreNext through its Corporate Hierarchy Data Assembly Line (DAL) helped in cleaning, matching, deduplication of the customer master dataalong with linking of data to a common ID for structured identification. Child & parent relationships were created for all customer master data alongwith enrichment of CXO information. QoreNext DAL solved the Industrial Technology Conglomerate challenges through the following phasedapproach:


Customer master data cleansing was done through Qore’s DAL by bringing data into a single standard with templates & attributes toestablish consistency and uniformity


Identification of customer master data was done and the customer’s master records were compared with Qore’s Fortune 1000 CorporateHierarchy Data Product where two records were checked for points of similarity and duplicate data records were merged


Record linking was done on customer master data for joining two data sets together that had a common ID


Enrichment and enhancement (addition/removal) of customer master records data was done with relevant data of CXOs, subsidiaries, financials, industry type etc.

Outcomes & Benefits

Customer master data cleansing was done through Qore’s DAL by bringing data into a single standard with templates & attributes toestablish consistency and uniformity
QoreNext’s DAL created an upliftment >80% by augmenting information from Qore’s Fortune 1000 Corporate Hierarchy Data Product
QoreNext’s DAL being consumption based helped in reducing down the cost of management of customer master data management by 30%through its consumption based pricing/quarterly refresh

Case Study 1

Corporate Hierarchy Data Assembly Line

Corporate Hierarchy Assembly Line

Case Study 2

A Global Bank with operations in consumer, corporate and institutional

banking strengthened decision support using Qore’s Data Assembly Line


The global bank was expanding its offerings and looking for a high growth trajectory. The leadership wanted to set-up a direction and highlevel goals for the business unit of market entry in 8 geographies across Middle East, Asia & South East Asia. However, they realized that they were missing keycomponents for achieving success.


QoreNext through its secondary research Data Assembly Line (DAL) identified areas of data collection across market overview, usage of paymentmethods, benchmarking of card payments, top e-wallet players across markets, retail deposit spilt (term/demand) across geos, table of deposit rates,leading retail banking players across each industries, company analysis.

Outcomes & Benefits

QoreNext’s DAL helped with accelerated growth strategy and helped in identifying important data points for market entry leading tocross-sell and upsell growth opportunities.
Qore’s secondary research DAL helped in prioritization of markets for near term and long term strategy with respectto market needs.

Case Study 2

QDF Secondary Research Assembly Line

Secondary Research Assembly Line

Case Study 3

A Pharmaceutical Giant leveraged Qore Data Factory for maintaining

up-to date records offormulary management


A Pharmaceutical Giant lacked up-to-date data resulting in challenges for clinicians to effectively manage health-system formularies. The ever increasing and broadening items in formulary inclusion resulted in unstructured, incorrect and incomplete formulary management systems leading to loss of efficacy, safety & patient value.


QoreNext through its QDF (Qore Data Factory) Formularies Data Assembly Line (DAL) helped in creation of detailed criteria for review of off-label use of formulary medications and new formulary additions. Qore’s DAL helped in finding drug names, formulation requirements, drug tiers that are approved by different payors on specific areas of interest of the Pharmaceutical Giant.

Outcomes & Benefits

Structured data for approved drug & dosage from each payors on specific areas of interestUp-to date information on growth of specialty drugs and the prevalence ofassociated formularies restrictions to streamline payors approval areasNear-real-time communication for formulary updates by providing rapid access of formulary details by covering broad payor populations

Case Study 3

QDF Formularies Data Assembly Line

Group 650

Showcasing QoreNext’s Client Success Stories

Qore Data Factory (QDF) employs reusable Data Assembly Lines to tackle data quality problems at scale with a trained global gig workforce. The QDF Gig Platform combines automation, machine learning, and human intelligence to deliver high-quality, accurate data to customers. Utilizing Simpli-TasksSM, an AI-supported interface, it ensures exceptional data reliability and accuracy at scale.

Case Study 1

The Industrial Technology Conglomerate relies on QoreNext for

maintaining refreshed customer master data


The Industrial Technology Conglomerate was facing huge challenges with availability of poor data quality in their customer masterrecords leading to inefficiencies. Duplicate records were common resulting in wasted time, effort and poor customer segmentation lead inaccuratedemographic segmentation leading to lost revenue opportunities. The customer master data had incorrect and incomplete organizational hierarchyalong with outdated information of key contacts of CXOs. Unstandardized data with lack of correct formatting of address, phone numbers, companynames resulted in delayed business decisions.


QoreNext through its Corporate Hierarchy Data Assembly Line (DAL) helped in cleaning, matching, deduplication of the customer master dataalong with linking of data to a common ID for structured identification. Child & parent relationships were created for all customer master data alongwith enrichment of CXO information. QoreNext DAL solved the Industrial Technology Conglomerate challenges through the following phasedapproach:


Customer master data cleansing was done through Qore’s DAL by bringing data into a single standard with templates & attributes toestablish consistency and uniformity


Identification of customer master data was done and the customer’s master records were compared with Qore’s Fortune 1000 CorporateHierarchy Data Product where two records were checked for points of similarity and duplicate data records were merged


Record linking was done on customer master data for joining two data sets together that had a common ID


Enrichment and enhancement (addition/removal) of customer master records data was done with relevant data of CXOs, subsidiaries, financials, industry type etc.

Outcomes & Benefits

Increased accuracy and contact-ability to 95-97% SLA, reduction in errors and gain of data trust by business for the customer master data
QoreNext’s DAL created an upliftment >80% by augmenting information from Qore’s Fortune 1000 Corporate Hierarchy Data Product
QoreNext’s DAL being consumption based helped in reducing down the cost of management of customer master data management by 30% through its consumption based pricing/quarterly refresh

Case Study 1

Corporate Hierarchy Data Assembly Line

Case Study 2

A Global Bank with operations in consumer, corporate and institutional banking strengthened decision support using Qore’s Data Assembly Line


The global bank aimed to expand and achieve high growth but lacked key components for success in establishing market entry across eight geographies in the Middle East, Asia, and Southeast Asia.


QoreNext's secondary research DAL identified data collection areas such as market overview, payment method usage, card payment benchmarks, top e-wallet players, retail deposit split, deposit rates, leading retail banking players, and company analysis.

Outcomes & Benefits

QoreNext’s DAL helped with accelerated growth strategy and helped in identifying important data points for market entry leading tocross-sell and upsell growth opportunities.
Qore’s secondary research DAL helped in prioritization of markets for near term and long term strategy with respectto market needs.

Case Study 2

QDF Secondary Research Assembly Line

Case Study 3

A Pharmaceutical Giant leveraged Qore Data Factory for maintaining up-to date records offormulary management


The Pharmaceutical giant's outdated data posed challenges for clinicians in managing health-system formularies, leading to unstructured, incorrect, and incomplete management systems with reduced efficacy, safety, and patient value.


QoreNext's secondary research DAL identified data collection areas such as market overview, payment method usage, card payment benchmarks, top e-wallet players, retail deposit split, deposit rates, leading retail banking players, and company analysis.

Outcomes & Benefits

Structured data for approved drug & dosage from each payors on specific areas of interestUp-to date information on growth of specialty drugs and the prevalence ofassociated formularies restrictions to streamline payors approval areasNear-real-time communication for formulary updates by providing rapid access of formulary details by covering broad payor populations

Case Study 3

QDF Formularies Data Assembly Line